The Gettin Place offers leather repair for all your leather goods including purses & bags, belts, horse tack, saddles, chaps, coats, and other fine goods.
Leather Repair-Cleaning-Conditioning:
The Gettin Place offers professional leather repair, cleaning, and conditioning, on a wide variety of
leather goods. We work on leather bags, purses, chaps, saddles, gear, footwear, belts, suspenders, and
more. Bring it in and we will see what we can do for you.
Custom Leather Work:
The Gettin Place offers high-quality custom leather goods made from premium leather, hardware and
supplies. We have hand-crafted wallets, purses, cowboy gear, belts, holsters, dog collars, cell phone
cases, knife sheaths, and much more.
We also offer the sewing of patches for motorcycle vests, protective gear, and more.